Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Pathway towards......

So having a pathway towards your goals help to ensure that the goal is attained.

Goal: A healthier lifestyle

Pathway: To be aware of what I am doing, eating and thinking and ensure that my thought processes revolve around health and contentment.

Step one: Drink water at each meal
Step two: Plan Meals and meal times
Step three: Do not eat the yum yums (sweet, strachy or carbie foods) after 530
Step four: Have protein with each meal.
Step five: Have a back up plan
Step six: do multiple shorter workouts
Step seven: Monday's are juice days
Step eight: Sunday's are raw days
Step nine: Plan when to eat out
Step ten: Eat an apple and berry mix daily
Step eleven: Make and drink my water mixes
Step twelve: Take supplements and vitamins
Step thirteen: Follow my beauty routine daily
Step fourteen: Follow my practices
Step fifteen: Have reflections of positive thought processes around the me always
Step sixteen: Document my process
Step seventeen: Never doubt myself
Step eighteen: Never fail to plan
Step nineteen: Trust my intuition
Step twenty: Know within my soul I can achieve

Taking my first steps!!!
Con Amor,
Love is...TL

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