Monday, November 26, 2012

A plan

It's Winston Churchill who said "He who fails to plan is planning to fail" during World War II.

For me I have to actually do something to actually see how that is affects my daily life. So after a couple of days of trying it out I have constructed a plan for my morning workouts. 

On Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday I will do what is called fasting workouts in the morning. I will do at least 20 mins of cardio followed by 10 mins of stretching. 

The goal here is to get in extra cardio throughout the week that will be beneficial to my body type. 

The other side of this is I have to remember to eat. I mean I have to seriously eat breakfast after I work out. Sadly this is take more effort on my part then the actual workout will. 

Here's to having a plan.

Con Amor,

Love is...TL

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