Friday, November 16, 2012


It is time for some action. I had stopped writing cold turkey because I felt like I was being inactive. Ironically that is when my whole world just started to feel unbearable. It was uncomfortable living as me in a world without words to connect the dots of my alienated lifestyle. The weight gain can be attributed to many things * I guess* but mainly to my INACTIVITY, period ! Sooooooo....... it is time for some action.
My current barrier is time.... I know I know everyone needs more time. I totally am not making up excuses  okay yes I am but I am being honest as well so EASE UP, as to why I have not taken action with this yet. I know I can do it, feel it in my soul and recently I was able to visualize it.
My mind is always running all over the place. Back and forth with self talk the verges on amazing while tickling destructive verbiage.

So I am holding my self accountable to the world ... wide web, of course, to stick to the plan.

Here are my goals

1. Get my WATER intake up ....
          100 oz a day
2. DO my AM 30 min workout
          yoga, stretching and cardio-strength training
3. Get my eating schedule down
         eat clean and often
4. DO my PM high intensity workouts
         just follow the plans
5. Sleep more hours each night
         get 6.5 or more hours of sleep
6. Love the journey; evolve within the the adventure

Honestly, when I started with #1 I thought this is going to be a crazy long list.... but it is only 6 goals. Each very doable; all attainable. I will go in to greater detail as I accomplish each goal.

I have gone back and forth in regards to a goal weight. (My head just exploded with random thoughts .....way too many to write down) I am just going to pick some numbers.
My Goal weight is ...... 139
I read somewhere (I READ A LOT, Currently like 6 books at once) that if you state a complete by date it is more achievable.
My Goal Date is ..... 9/25/2013

I'm not going to worry about it being realistic or not. I'm just going to shoot for it.
So here is to writing and TAKING ACTION!!!

Con Amor,

Love is...TL


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